You would like to give a greeting card to somebody but you just can't find the right one. The cards at the shop all have the same old tired design. You've also tried online card shops but none of the designs seem to appeal to you. Well then, why not print one that you made yourself. This is not as hard as it sounds. Since you are already on the internet, you probably have some tools that you can use already.
You will need some sort of software to do this. You can search for free software for making greeting cards. Or you can do this on your usual office productivity software. If you look for the software on the web, try it out online first. Choose the one that provides graphics and designs that you would want to use. After installing it on your computer, try following the tutorial first (nearly all software has one). Then go for it and make your own special greeting cards.
You might already have software on your computer on which you can make greeting cards. Greeting cards is one of the predefined document formats of most publishing software like Microsoft Publisher. You can also use your word processor or graphics creation software to come up with your card. The tricky part if you do it this way is in the printing. Software designed for creating greeting cards comes with modules that handle printing of say folded cards.
Once you have the software, you will need to determine your design. You have to decide whether you want a one page card or something that has an outside and an inside. You also need to think about the graphics and pictures you will put in; whether this will be a card with a serious theme or one that uses cartoon illustrations.
The advantage of making your own card is that all the messages can be personalized. Each card will be tailored for the recipient. So, when you are thinking of the pictures and drawings, think of the person who will receive it. At this point, you will already be composing the text of the card too so it is important that you have a clear idea of your message.
After you have composed your card then it is time to print it out. Choose the paper you are going to use. This will be limited by the printer that will be employed. If it has to be bond paper, look for those with heavier stock like maybe substance 20 or 24. If you can, go for card stock. They are meant for the purpose anyway.
Now you have personalized greeting cards that only you can give because only you can make them.
365greetings is a greeting website that provides huge selections of Free greeting cards. It also provide different greeting cards and e-cards for different occasion such as Birthday, Wedding, Christmas, New Year and more.
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